Thursday, February 23, 2012

Yes, I did it!

I find this picture amusing yet a reality. So where are we today? I am at " I'll try to do it" for quite a number of things. I have also reached " Yes , I did it! " eg. to write, to go full time in music teaching, to   eat more healthily (or al least more conscious, he he) and many more....
I think we all have a list of things in every step we see at the picture. 
Now what shall we do? ....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Tribute to Whitney Houston

"Really? Whitney Houston gone?" I asked myself when I read a message from my sister about Whitney's death. I couldn't believe what my eyes was reading. I googled to find out more and my heart sank that I no longer will hear Whitney Houston sing anymore. All I will get to hear are replays from the past. I grew up with her songs as a little girl and her voice has always impacted my musical interest. But she is at a better place now and I believe death has ended her suffering here on earth. It's just sad that bad influence and bad decisions had overtaken her life. Succumbing to drugs drains the very life out of her,  but I just want to remember her vibrancy before drugs. Her music and her voice. Her singing is flawless and the projection of her voice is magnificent with such control and poise. The first video is her rendition of Jesus Loves Me and another is a documentation with some interviews with Whitney. I hope we will learn lessons from a her life, good and bad. Then the rest are songs I love from her. I really appreciate her live performances, so natural and effortless like wearing your own skin kind of thing. But abit too many though...hahaha... so I'll just pick a few. I'll list some out too..
* My Love Is Your Love
* When You Believe (with Mariah Carey)
* I Wanna Dance With Somebody
* I Will Always Love You
*  & the list goes on....
Whitney Houston, by far the best singer ever!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Night at Gurney Paragon

Gurney Drive is bustling with people as shoppers throng at Gurney Plaza but the current highlight is Gurney Paragon - the retail-cum-residential complex. It opens on 16th January and this was my first time at Gurney Paragon and my friends and I tried out the Brussels restaurant (which will be reported more at  My Tasting Outloud : Brussels Beer Cafe ). I read somewhere that soon a hotel of 200 rooms called Baby G will be open right here at Gurney Paragon. Baby G shares the same management as G Hotel, right next door.

Chinese New Year decorations 
the lighted path
The layout
We walked down memory lane of the place now known as Gurney Paragon and was once St. Joseph Novitiate,a historical building. We read through every frame of the wall with its pictures and learn its history. I only knew it was occupied by the Uplands International school till they moved to Batu Feringghi. To know more of the history please go to

The lighted water sprouting from beneath the floor, animated with colours.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Be Beauty 's Grand Opening

One fine sunny Saturday, I went to an opening of Be Beauty on an invitation. With some friends we had an educational as well as a time of pamper during the opening. One of the owners Joanne Khaw whom we have acquainted and cross-paths for a number of years, met up with us again on this special occasion. Here we have Joanne dressed in black with her partner in purple Ms.Hee. It's great to see the support of their family members as family stands by one another and with that good business is grounded with family values. That is her daughter on the second picture and  her son at the third picture. We were not able to meet the man behind the wife as we left before he arrived.

Now the main highlight of any beauty salon shops are their products and facilities. Be Beauty partners with the well known brand Sothys from Paris . Sothys has been in 110 countries all over the world, and to date, over 15,000 salons and spas have chosen to become Sothys partners. Click here for more information- Sothys website.

Free manicure for the day before further exploration :)
After the manicure there was an array of 'foodies' at the table waiting for us and all was so pleasantly tasty. There were sushis, creampuffs, assortment of cakes and later there was even strawberries and other fruits.

We continue our touring with Joanne who showed us the various rooms (single, double) for massage / facial purposes.
Click for a larger image
 This is the latest innovation after the traditional sauna, burning coals. This is called Tourmaline Sauna. I have tried something similar to this and I have got to say how I wish I have this one at home. Try it!
We were also given the opportunity to clean our face with Sothys facial products with our very own bare hands. It was conducted by one of the employee from Sothys in KL. In every step of the way, we were directed on how to wash our face, scrub, tone, moisturise our face. It was a fun filled day!
Now, these are some of their face and body treatments:-
* Hydradvance Treatment
* Collagene Treatment & Brightening Treatment.  
* Relaxing facial treatment with Cocoa & Mint at 50% off .
* Full body massage at RM 99 only with complimentary Tourmaline Sauna.
* Partly Body Massage for relaxing or toning  purpose.

For more information please visit or contact :
Block D-21-2, Bay Avenue, Lorong Bayan Indah 2, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang. 
Tel: 04-6433159

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